Monday, March 17, 2008

Alabama #14, Cheaha Mountain

We topped off our biological tanks with some Cracker Barrel near Birmingham before traveling east to the Alabama highpoint. Alabama is a drive up and includes camping. We should have researched the camping situation beforehand because we could have spent the night at the highpoint. However, too much planning takes some of the excitement out of the trip!

As shown in the picture above, the Cheaha Mountain has a nice lookout tower.

We were too cheap to pay for the binoculars, so we just took our picture with it instead. Note, we used the correct flag this time. Good job, us!

The view to the north from the tower.

Pig couldn't make it up the steep stairs of the tower, so she settled for a photo at the sign.

After all this highpointing we were hungry. Fortunately, while driving through some small town in southern Alabama on our way to Florida we saw Unique Bar-B-Que, this little joint in the middle of nowhere. Of course we ordered the pulled pork and sweet tea (pronounced swate-tay). Now, every barbecue is compared to Unique Bar-B-Que.

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