Saturday, March 21, 2009

Rhode Island #21, backyard open for business

Rhode Island's high point is on private property. Basically it is in someone's backyard. The owner's have been so kind as to provide a trail from the road that is open 8am to 4pm everyday of the year. We made it just 30 minutes before close thanks to our failed attempts at highpointing Connecticut and Massachusetts earlier in the day. Rufus wasn't interested in posing for the scary camera...but he's got a great hero pose!

Here is the beginning of the short trail to the highpoint. Although the trail was well marked, we let Rufus lead the way.
Before retiring to our awesome Extended Stay America hotel in Providence, we visited Newport, RI. Here the Buf finds out that sea water doesn't taste so good.

Two more failed attempts high pointing out of season

After visiting New Jersey's highpoint we stayed in New Paltz, NY (my first time in NY). We found an awesome Indian restaurant in the little hippie college town. In the morning we headed for Connecticut's high point.

Unfortunately, the road leading to the high point was closed presumably because of mud. To make it we would of had to hike through many miles of mud just to get to the trail head. We didn't even bring a backpack on this trip. Now on to the Massachusetts drive up...

As we pull up to the visitor's center, we see the high road is CLOSED!!!! This is 2006 all over again! Two failed attempts due to weather. The ranger said the road is closed in the winter. I replied, "but it is Spring." "Not up there it isn't," in his thick New England accent. He said the snow mobiles pack the snow down over the winter, and the road would not open until late May. This shows we could probably do a little more planning before our future trips. The summit could be hiked in the winter, but we didn't bring the gear for that.

Friday, March 20, 2009

New Jersey #20 sneaking in the dog

After losing $20 in Atlantic City we drove to northern New Jersey to visit their highpoint marked with this obelisk.

The views were spectacular but difficult to capture in a picture. We could see ski runs still filled with snow in the distance.
Another shot of Rufus. Dogs technically are not allowed in the park. That is silly. Someone else even brought their dog right behind us.
We finally got Rufus to look at the camera!
Becki and the Buf walking on some exposed granite/gneiss. I'd rate it about a 5.1.
Nice artsy shot by Becki. She did a good job making sure the obelisk wasn't coming out of my head. I was unprepared for how cold it was up here and kept insisting we go back to the car.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Delaware #19 rocking the suburbs

Delaware was our first target of five this Spring break. We brought the new addition to our family, Rufferford B. Hayes, or Rufus for short. You may also call him Mr. President or the Buf (pronounced the "boof") or Rufus B'Bufus. After stopping to spend the night in Hershey, PA we found our way to this roadside high point.

Here is the Buf relaxing on the couch.

The high point was fairly uneventful, but it was Rufus' very first highpoint!!! It was drizzling and windy. We did a quick pose for the camera. At one point Rufus thought the camera on top of the Gorilla Pod was an animal and growled at it. Such a tough guy!
Now on to Atlantic City for the night...