Thursday, March 19, 2009

Delaware #19 rocking the suburbs

Delaware was our first target of five this Spring break. We brought the new addition to our family, Rufferford B. Hayes, or Rufus for short. You may also call him Mr. President or the Buf (pronounced the "boof") or Rufus B'Bufus. After stopping to spend the night in Hershey, PA we found our way to this roadside high point.

Here is the Buf relaxing on the couch.

The high point was fairly uneventful, but it was Rufus' very first highpoint!!! It was drizzling and windy. We did a quick pose for the camera. At one point Rufus thought the camera on top of the Gorilla Pod was an animal and growled at it. Such a tough guy!
Now on to Atlantic City for the night...

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